Superior Transient Voltage Surge Suppression (TVSS) that protects your equipment, reduces motor stress and overheating, extends lamp and ballast life, plus provides guaranteed utility bill savings.

2435 E. Pecan Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85040


602.305.6996 (fax)


Sta'bl-POWER™ Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS)
Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS)

The “Top 10” Lifetime Benefits
Of Your Sta’bl-POWER™ Power Integrity System!

  1. Promotes Greater Operating Efficiency of Air Conditioners, Refrigeration, Appliances, and Wiring, by Lowering Operating Temperature Buildup.

  2. Extends the Life of Electrical Appliances and Electronic Equipment.

  3. Improves Performance & Reduces Equipment Malfunction and Downtime.

  4. Reduces Maintenance Calls and Resulting Replacement Costs.

  5. Extends the Life of Lamps and Ballasts, Greatly Reducing the Frequency of Ballast and Bulb Replacement.

  6. Protects Computers & POS Systems Against Hard-drive Crashes and Lost Data.

  7. Protects Your Entire Electrical System from Lightning and Power Surges, Which Can Originate From Internal and/or External Sources.

  8. May Reduce Insurance Costs by Reducing The Risk of Lost Data and Equipment.

  9. Promotes Greater Overall Reliability and Operating Efficiency of Total system.

  10. Provides both “Catastrophic” and “Preventative” Protection of All Electronics, Computer & Telecom Systems and Your Most Sensitive Equipment.

16 Important Variables That Affect Your Sta’bl-POWER™
Savings & Benefits!

Upon installation of your Sta’bl-POWER™, the overall improvement in efficiency and reliability of your electrical system will be in proportion to the impact of the following important variables, which may adversely affect your power. All electrical systems share these in common!  Your actual, long term, combined savings will be impacted by the unique combination of variables at your site.  Consider the following conditions:

  • Age, type, and condition of site wiring and equipment

  • Overloading of wiring & equipment

  • Integrity and maintenance of system grounding

  • Percentage of kilowatt hours used for inductive vs. resistive loads

  • Site power factor or actual power factor at major load device

  • Local climatic and environmental changes

  • Distance from source and adequacy of available power

  • Frequency of on-site brownouts and blackouts

  • Impact of concealed deterioration of failure of motors

  • Actual cost of electricity and cost of on-site maintenance

  • Changes in volume of business or operations

  • Cost of downtime of equipment vs. operational throughput

  • The amount, type, and quality of nearby or neighboring equipment

  • Frequency of Power Co. Interruptions and load adjusting

  • Frequency of electrical storms, and distant lightning phenomenon

  • Impact of regional power demand & load shifting

Power Line Disturbances and Your Power Bill
By Dr. C. W. Simmonds


The efficient use of electrical energy is important to everyone. This is true from the standpoint of economy as well as conservation.  In 1975, the total electrical energy sold to ultimate customers by both public and private utilities in the U.S. was 1733 billion-kilowatt hours (kWh).  The revenue paid to the utilities by their customer for this energy was $46.9 billion dollars.  From figures such as those, we can see that even a modest 5% improvement in efficiency in the use of this energy could save over $2.3 billion dollars!

We will show that disturbances in the normal line voltage known as voltage transients, generated mainly by switching loads on and off, cause inefficiencies in electrical equipment and over-registration of the induction kilowatt-hour meters commonly used to measure energy to such loads.


Sudden, short-duration, high-amplitude disturbances in the normal voltage levels across power Lines are called voltage transients. Although some of these voltage transients are caused by lightning, most are caused by the switching on and off of internal and external loads, and occur regularly on any power system. On residential 120 VAC Lines. These voltage transients can peak momentarily at 6000 volts when caused by Lightning, and at 2500 volts where caused by switching.

Such transients constitute a form of 'electrical pollution' which is present in every power system in varying degrees. The raw at which voltage transients occur' is described in one article as from 0 to 900 transients per hour for one residence, 900 to 9000 transients per hour for a busy office, 9000w 60,000 transients per hour for a small factory, 60,000 to 181,000 transients per hour for a processing plant, and 180,000 to 432,000 transients per hour where heavy switching with SCR's and traces occurs.

The shape of a typical voltage transient described in reference 3 oscillatory, having the appearance of a damped sine wave, and a period of approximately 6.5 microseconds, becoming damped out alter about three cycles.

Such voltage transients occur whenever inductive loads such as transformers and motors are switched, and result from the sudden dissipation of instantaneous stored magnetic energy into the rest of the system.


The voltage transients described above are present in any power system. They can be harmful and expensive in three ways:

  1. They can damage solid state control equipment, where semiconductor devices may break down and conduct avalanche currents.

  2. Evidence is offered in reference 4 that supports the theory that such transients, being high frequency in nature, partially immobilize the magnetic Systems of common devices such as transformer and motors causing them to operate with excessive hysteresis and eddy-current losses. This reduces their normal efficiency and results in wasted energy and a higher power bill.

  3. Finally, evidence is offered below to support the theory that such voltage transients cause the induction watt-hour meters that commonly monitor electrical loads to over-register.


As long as the present type of induction watt-hour meter is used, there is no known remedy for over-registration due to intermittent loading.  However, over-registration and overcharges due to voltage transient whether it’s transient-induced inefficiency or varying torque on the disk of the watt-hour meter can be drastically reduced by transient voltage suppressors.  Such transient voltage suppressors can be made to suppress voltage transients with response time less than 50 nanoseconds, protecting equipment and the watt-hour meter itself from such disturbance, and saving the customer money that would go to pay for unnecessarily higher readings.


"Spike suppressors are the simplest, least expensive of the power conditioning devices and easily the most effective."

(PG&E, "Power Quality in Your Home)

"Overvoltage transients can be present in all electrical systems, but are more severe in industrial power systems......Overvoltage transients may occur thousands of times per hour.


"Research indicates that transient activity is a phenomenon of greater magnitude than is usually accepted"


"The worst case of transient activity measured was 648,000 per hour.....on a dimmer panel that controlled 24 fluorescent fixtures in a college lecture hall."


"Spikes or transients are a sharp, sudden rise in voltage and can cause the most physical damage to sensitive electronics.  The power can jump up to a few thousand volts over the normal 120 volts..."

"...They happen so fast you wouldn't even see a flicker.  To electronic devices it's like hitting a speed-bump at forty miles an hour with bad shocks."

"...Their effects include false readings, equipment damage, or loss of information in PC's."

(PE&E, "Power Quality in Your Home")

"IEEE studies show that many transients on the ordinary 120v power line have voltages up to 5600V.  The average industrial or commercial circuit receives many transients daily in excess of 300V."

(GENERAL ELECTRIC, "Technical Data")

"2500 to 6500V transients are high enough to cause severe damage"

(GENERAL ELECTRIC, "Technical Data")

"Last, but certainly not least, is the damaging effect transients have on power consumption.  The cumulative effects imposed upon contacts, coils, semiconductors, etc., by transients cause efficiency loss on the motors, lighting, and appliances served by electricity."

(GENERAL ELECTRIC, "Technical Data")

"In reality, the businessman probably saves far more as a result of the protection afforded to his electrical system through the use of suppression equipment.  This protection can dramatically reduce maintenance costs and increase the life expectancy of motors, relays, and other equipment."

(GENERAL ELECTRIC, "Technical Data")

"The most common types of power disturbances are: 1) No Voltage 2) Low Voltage 3) Transients 4) Noise."

"........Surge suppressors are the simplest and least expensive buffering devices."

(SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, "Some Important Facts about Power System Disturbances)

[Who Needs Surge Protection] [Transients Hike Usage] [Problem-Solving Resource]

[Control Circuit Transients] [Effects of Transients]

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